Mushtaq was all praise of this one picture that is going viral on the internet. The picture which has Pakistan captain Babar Azam shaking hands with Virat Kohli. On Wednesday (August 24), BCCI shared a video in which Kohli met Babar and they both met each other with a smile on their faces which warmed the heart of cricket fans on both the sides of the border.
from Zee News :Sports
Zee News
Mushtaq was all praise of this one picture that is going viral on the internet. The picture which has Pakistan captain Babar Azam shaking hands with Virat Kohli. On Wednesday (August 24), BCCI shared a video in which Kohli met Babar and they both met each other with a smile on their faces which warmed the heart of cricket fans on both the sides of the border.
from Zee News :Sports
Zee News
Mushtaq was all praise of this one picture that is going viral on the internet. The picture which has Pakistan captain Babar Azam shaking hands with Virat Kohli. On Wednesday (August 24), BCCI shared a video in which Kohli met Babar and they both met each other with a smile on their faces which warmed the heart of cricket fans on both the sides of the border.